
Pentland Child Care & Kindergarten: Reducing Food Waste with the Eco 5

Published on
July 20, 2023
We had the opportunity to sit down with Jessie Edwards, a Kinder Educator at Pentland, to learn more about their experience using the Eco 5 and its positive impact on both the children and the environment.

Australia's rising emissions are deeply intertwined with the excessive amounts of food waste generated in the country. The impact of food waste goes beyond the financial and environmental costs of production, transportation, and disposal. When food waste ends up in landfills, it decomposes and releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. The magnitude of food waste-related emissions necessitates swift action and innovative approaches to mitigate this pressing issue.

Pentland Child Care & Kindergarten in Bacchus Marsh is taking proactive steps to tackle this problem by trialing a new benchtop dehydrator called the Eco 5. The Eco 5 converts their food waste into nutrient-rich fertiliser while reducing the volume of food waste by an impressive 90%. This innovative solution not only addresses the environmental impact of food waste but also aims to teach children how to reduce their carbon footprint by actively participating in waste reduction efforts.

We had the opportunity to sit down with Jessie Edwards, a Kinder Educator at Pentland, to learn more about their experience using the Eco 5 and its positive impact on both the children and the environment.

Q: What interested Pentland Child Care & Kindergarten to use the Eco 5? 

A: We generate a significant amount of food waste daily. We wanted to create a learning opportunity for our children to understand the difference between avoidable and unavoidable food waste, as well as explore ways they can contribute to protecting the environment. The Eco 5 caught our attention because it not only removes our food waste from landfills but also serves as a teaching tool for our children.

Q: What does Pentland Child Care & Kindergarten do with the food waste converted by the Eco 5 machine? 

A: The food waste we convert using the Eco 5 machine is transformed into nutrient-rich fertiliser, which we utilise in our kindergarten's veggie patch. This process allows the children to actively engage in the garden and witness the tangible outcomes of their efforts with their very own food scraps.

Q: What are the benefits of using the Eco 5 machine? 

A: The Eco 5 machine offers multiple benefits for our kindergarten. Firstly, it educates children about the importance of reducing food waste and its significant impact on the environment. By actively involving them in the process, it helps instill eco-friendly practices from an early age. Secondly, by diverting food waste from landfills, the Eco 5 helps us reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to building a more sustainable future.

Q: How would using the Eco 5 machine inspire children? 

A: The Eco 5 machine serves as an inspiring tool for children to witness firsthand the positive effects of waste reduction. By engaging them in the process of converting their food scraps into useful fertiliser, it empowers them to make a difference in their communities and homes. The experience fosters a sense of responsibility and motivates them to adopt eco-friendly practices, creating a lasting impact on their environmental awareness.

As Pentland Child Care & Kindergarten continues to trial and embrace sustainable solutions like the Eco 5, they set an example for other institutions and inspire future generations to actively participate in creating a more environmentally conscious world. 

By educating children about the importance of reducing food waste, Pentland is nurturing the eco-warriors of tomorrow, paving the way for a greener and more sustainable future.

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